Be aware of what your body is telling you and listen to it!
How many massages should I get? There is no such thing as too many massages to be had but, considering that most of us don't have an endless supply of time or money, figuring out a massage plan is important. First of all focus in on what your desired result is. Are you recovering from a surgery or an injury? Have you been having chronic pain from a possible pinched nerve or have you been just completely stressed out and need to relax? Maybe none of the above applies and you are simply wanting to know often you should get a massage to help prevent any of these problems from happening in the first place. Read on to explore various reasons for getting massages and how often it is reasonable that you should find yourself on a massage table to obtain your desired results. Injury/Surgery: Injury rehab is one of our specialties! What happens when you are injured or have surgery is that scar tissue will develop in that area. More scar tissue develops than is necess...