
Showing posts from September, 2019

Benefits of Paraffin Wax Treatment on the Hands

Hands are amazing tools for us to use, but when they hurt, we're miserable! Do you ever get achy tired hands? Most people are using computers and phones frequently, which is adding to the problem of over-use syndrome. As we tap away on our keyboards and texting, our small muscles and joints in the fingers, wrists and forearms start to become grumpy.  Just being alive for more than 40 years, can come with it's own set of issues regarding over use.  Without specific therapeutic exercises and stretches done on a regular basis, this achy tired feeling can become a painful sensation that doesn't seem to want to go away.  If this is happening to you, consider a "hot bath" of sorts for your hands to soak in. I can remember in my teen years back in the 1980's an elderly lady that I knew who loved to regularly play the piano at her church. One day I was at her home and saw her dipping her hand into a container of  liquid and pulling her hand out covered in a f...