Meet Roisin and Learn About Cupping---

Roisin Thompson
Hi!  My name is Roisin Thompson.  I have been a massage therapist for the past 3 years.  Besides practicing massage at Massage Extraordinaire, I also am a acupuncturist.  My favorite modality for muscular pain is Cupping.  I use it often to accelerate recovery and ease local tension.

You may first have been exposed to cupping during the Rio Olympics when Michael Phelps used it as a medical therapy to help him win his most recent gold and silver medals!  I wanted to share some more information about this ancient Chinese medical practice.

Benefits of Cupping -

  • Increase in circulation by decompressing the connective tissue surrounding tight muscles
  • Speeds healing and decreases recovery time by allowing fresh nutrients and oxygen into the muscle and carrying away metabolic waste
  • Speeds recovery from athletic events
  • Reduces chronic pain
  • Relieves local tension
"I have found cupping to be successful for students and professionals with tight shoulders, lumbar pain, muscle tension due to nerve impingement and recurrent neck pain." 

Treatment -

  • Cups can be left in static locations or can be slid over the skin using "moving cupping"
  • Cups are left on one location for up to 10 minutes
  • Cupping can be done as part of a massage session or as an independent treatment.  An independent treatment session will take 30 minutes, including intake.
  • Treatments are personalized to the patient, including:
    • Type of cups
    • Number of cups
    • Amount of suction
    • Whether the cups are moved
  • I use both glass cups and the more modern plastic cups with an air pump, depending on the patient's needs
  • Treatment may result in temporary "spots" where the cups were placed.  These "spots" are not tender and will fade in 3 - 7 days.
"Spots" from Cupping

If you have any questions about Cupping or Acupuncture, 
please call and ask for Roisin!

4848 Tecolote Road
San Diego, CA. 92110
(619) 295-3516

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